Teaching Methods : Tailoring Your Teaching Style
An AHA document outlining different learning styles to help instructors be more effective.
An AHA document outlining different learning styles to help instructors be more effective.
The agreement that instructors need to fill out and agree to as part of being a part of the CALS team.
Training Center Faculty (TCF) or Regional Faculty (RF) should use this form to assess the competencies of instructor candidates and renewing instructors
When an instructor wants to transfer to a different Training Center (TC), this form must be completed by the instructor, the transferring TC Coordinator (TCC) and the accepting TCC.
This checklist may be used to document successful completion of instructor/Training Center Faculty (TCF) renewal requirements and contact information.
To be completed by the Training Center Faculty (TCF) candidate with appropriate signatures.
To be completed by the instructor candidate with appropriate signatures. Complete 1 application for each discipline.